Sunday, January 31, 2010

Some Sufism

I found this school of thought interesting. Wanted to share it with you ...

There is the sun and there is the moon, there is man and woman, there is night and there is day. The colors are distinguished by their variety and so are the forms. Therefore to distinguish anything there must be its opposite; where there is no opposite we cannot distinguish. There must be health in order to distinguish illness; if there were no health and only illness then it would not have been (distinguished as) illness. ... Life is a puzzle of duality. The pairs of opposites keep us in an illusion and make us think, 'This is this, and that is that'. At the same time by throwing a greater light upon things we shall find in the end that they are quite different from what we had thought.

Seeing the nature and character of life the Sufi says that it is not very important to distinguish between two opposites. What is most important is to recognize that One which is hiding behind it all. Naturally after realizing life the Sufi climbs the ladder which leads him to unity, to the idea of unity which comes through the synthesis of life, by seeing One in all things, in all beings.


  1. Hey :)
    Love your blog.The poems are really beautiful...very striking imagery,that's a distinct feature I've observed ,and that's a great thing !I chose to comment on this post though,coz I really liked the idea behind it.
    Still remember..the first poem you showed me was with wings I fly :)
    Keep writin "dudette" :D
